Archive 2013

Dr Ranjita Misra’s and Public Health Students from Texas Visit Fortis C-DOC


Dr. Ranjita Misra, PhD, CHES, FASHA ,Professor & Research Director, Center for the Study of Health Disparities (CSHD),Member, Intercollegiate Faculty of Nutrition,Department of Health and Kinesiology, Texas A& M University, USA, accompanied by her students visited Diabetes Foundation (India) and Fortis C-DOC Diabetes Hospital, during their study abroad program to India in May 2012.


The purpose of the visit was to enhance the students’ understanding of the health issues, diseases, and services available for Indians in India. After a briefing by Dr. Anoop Misra, Dr. Ranjita Misra and her team of students were taken on a tour of the facility. Dr. Seema Gulati, Head Research team, DFI and Dr. Swati Bhardwaj, Vice head, Research, gave presentations on ongoing research projects under the aegis of DFI. This was followed by a brief presentation on Fortis C-DOC by Dr Ritesh Gupta, Clinical head, Fortis C-DOC and a meeting with researchers and doctors followed over tea and snacks.

“WDF Peer Programme”: Fortis C-DOC, N-DOC & DFI

The Board of the World Diabetes Foundation initiated a new training program called the “WDF Peer Programme”. The aim of this program was to support capacity building in the peer’s area of excellence i.e. capacity building for primary prevention.

With regard to this, Fortis C-DOC. N-DOC and DFI supported a Hosting Programme for a WDF Peers (participant) Dr Manoj Fernando for a period of 45 days i.e from April 2 – May 15, 2012. A training programme was devised primarily to apprise Dr Fernando about our health initiatives, school and community programs and our achievements in this regard.

Dr. Fernando is currently a part of the faculty of medicine, University of Colombo, and a lecturer in health promotion at Rajaratna University of Sri Lanka, and lecturer in Drug Abuse Management Diploma conducted by University of Colombo and National Dangerous Drugs Control Board.

Dr Pramod Khosla, PhD, Associate Professor, Graduate Officer, Secretary, Union Reps – AAUP, Dept. of Nutr. and Food Science, Wayne State University, Detroit, visited Fortis C-DOC and had a long meeting with Dr Misra and his research team, on further opportunities for research and collaboration. he also took a brief tour of the Fortis C-DOC facility. The meeting was followed by refreshments.