Recent Events


Dr Anoop Misra facilitating Dr O.P sharma with Excellence Awards along with Dr. Vinod Paul at 12th Ahuja Bajaj Symposium
Mrs Rekha Sharma conferred with Lifetime Achievement Award by Dr Anoop Misra and Dr Vinod Paul at 12th Ahuja Bajaj Symposium
Dr Misra conducting the panel discussion on Obesity Management Guidelines to clinical practice Essentials of initiating conversation. Sitting in extreme left Dr Pardeep Choubey, Dr Naresh Dang, Dr Hemi Soneja and Dr Amrita Ghosh.
Dr Anoop Misra inauguring the seminar and conducting session on New Definition of Obesity for Indian Population May 18, 2024, New Delhi. The session covered new concepts in obesity and various factors to define it.


Dr Anoop Misra presenting his study , New Definition of Obesity for Indian, in Ahuja Bajaj Symposium, November 26, 2023, New Delhi
Dr Anoop Misra presenting his study , New Definition of Obesity for Indian, in Ahuja Bajaj Symposium, November 26, 2023, New Delhi
Dr Anoop Misra attended Asian Congress of Nutrition at Chengdu, China, gave lecture on Nuts and Diabetes September 18, 2023
Dr Anoop Misra attended Asian Congress of Nutrition at Chengdu, China, gave lecture on Nuts and Diabetes September 18, 2023
Conferred medical excellence award (IHH Medical Excellence Award) in Singapore, September 2023
Dr Anoop Misra with Kamran Abbasi, editor of BMJ ( High impact medical journal )  Prof. Bhutta, Prof. Sunday, K Prasad and other colleges during an academic discussion in Dubai 31 July, 2023.
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Dr. Misra presented his paper, "Premeal load of almonds in Prediabetes, three studies" at the International Conference on Nutrition and Diabetes in Pula, Croatia, June 17, 2023. The study showed a reversal of prediabetes, which was much appreciated by top scientists there.
Dr. Anoop Misra and Dr. Seema Gulati, in a press conference on March 21, 2023 where they spoke about their study that showed eating almonds before meals improved blood sugar level in some people with prediabetes thus almonds as a healthy addition to the diet that may help reverse prediabetes to normal blood sugar levels. This was covered by about 299 prominent print media and online channels including PTI and UNI : Ref:
Dr Anoop Misra speaking at the Awareness session on “Illness to wellness” organised by ASSOCHAM. In his sessions on March 23, 2023 he spoke from his research about artificial sweetener bad for our body and another session- Nutrition & Diabetes Past Present and future


Dr Anoop Misra Presenting his paper" TB and Diabetes" in the recently held International Diabetes federation (IDF) Lisbon
Dr Anoop Misra along with Dr Banshi Saboo, Dr Purvi Chawla and Dr Vijay Viswanathanand at IDF Lisbon
Prof. Anoop Misra during the inauguration in recently concluded Ahuja Bajaj Symposium 10, on "Recent concept in Diabetes and Nutrition" at New Delhi
Prof. Anoop Misra delivering a lecture Diabetes and Tuberculosis: New Data in the recently concluded Ahuja Bajaj Symposium-10 in New Delhi


Dr Anoop Misra’s Harvard Medical School webinar clip, June 5, 2020
Edited Link of Anoop Mishra Standford Medicine International COVID-19 Conference